SÉANCE REPORTÉE À L'AUTOMNE — Historical Research Seminar in English — "Les séminaires de recherche historique en langue anglaise 2024-2025"


An informal seminar aimed at doctoral students, normally on the first Monday of each month.
In the IRHiS salle de réunion (A1.162) and via Zoom
17 h-19 h French time (CET)
Resp. : Christopher Fletcher (IRHiS, CNRS)

7 avril 25
Mauréna BENTEBOULA (IRHiS, ULille), Becoming the Great Bastard of Burgundy : the construction of a public identity in the 15th century
Fabio VENTORINO (Université de Liège),The Household at the end of Middle Ages: The example of the Valois Dukes of Burgundy (1363-1477)