Historical Research Seminar in English — "Les séminaires de recherche historique en langue anglaise 2024-2025"
SéminaireAn informal seminar aimed at doctoral students, normally on the first Monday of each month.
In the IRHiS salle de réunion (A1.162) and via Zoom
17 h-19 h French time (CET)
Resp. : Christopher Fletcher (IRHiS, CNRS)
5 mai 25
Marius De Batchouo MOIFO FONKOU (IRHiS, ULille), French statistical cooperation in Cameroon fromindependence to the economic crises of the 1980s
Eric Marcel ONAN (Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroon), Statistical actors and policies in Cameroon under British administration between 1921 and 1960
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