Sustain & Expand 2 – ISite

Appel à projets
  • –5 Sustain afin de renforcer le périmètre d'excellence (sont éligibles les chercheur-e-s et enseignant-e-s chercheur-e-s du PERIDEX),
  • 5 Expand afin de l'élargir (sont éligibles es chercheur-e-s et enseignant-e-s chercheur-e-s membres du consortium ou des institutions « partenaires» à l'exclusion des membres du Péridex).
Les candidatures sont à déposer au plus tard le 30 Septembre 2018 via la plateforme Labelled I-SITE in February 2017 as part of the second wave of the French “Investissements d'Avenir” Programme, the Université Lille Nord-Europe (ULNE) project brings together 14 founding members with the aim of transforming the landscape of research and training in the French region of “Hauts-de-France”, by sustaining and expanding its excellence. Internationalization and valorization are also core priorities of I-SITE ULNE. The I-SITE goal is the creation of a major international university, ranked among the top 50 in Europe before 10 years: the Université Lille Nord-Europe (ULNE). The project is built around 3 thematic hubs, integrating researchers from all disciplines: “Health”, “Planet” and “Digital World”. Each of this 3 themes is made of 3 challenges:
  • Healt
    • promoting systemic biology and precision medicine;
    • catalysing the digital revolution in biomedical research
    • optimising impact for the patient and society.
  • Planet
    • understanding, analyzing, and monitoring global changes;
    • developing alternative solutions to the exploitation of fossil resources;
    • evaluating the impact of global changes and alternative solutions on people, the Earth and societies.
  • Digital world
    • humanities for a user-friendly digital world;
    • mastering complexity with innovative conceptual tools;
    • moving from a disruptive concept to a user-friendly device.